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foto: Rik Engelgeer
BTAP Zwolle 3.jpg

Being Arthur. Songteksten.

2. Overture.


This is an overture

To paint a picture of the unknown.

You see? That’s what we’re heading for.

We lead, like legends do.


This is an overture

Of our reachable future.

We’ll stay for a while to show you the way

Like legends do.


This is a test-run, of what is to come.

So you’ll feel right at home

Going where you’ve never gone before,

Like legends have done, like legends have done.


This is an overture.

The characters are introduced.

Or are we nothing but actors?

Or fractions of the same legend? Yes, be confused, ‘cause-


This is an overture.

The expectations are set.

Let’s connect the dots as we go,

It’s not a legendary show yet.



Ah, the sound of romance,

With a touch of remorse.

A hint of inevitable grief

And forgiveness of course.


Empowering tunes

A sing along song

A feeling of belonging

That is ever so strong.


A discussion on the lyrics we sing

On what kind of story we ought to bring

On whether we rhyme on every little thing

A discussion on whether the king should sing or not.


Arthur:           Stop it! The king will sing! On with it now.


This is an overture.

The expectations are set.

Let’s connect the dots as we go,

It’s not a legendary show yet.

8. Silhouette of a lover



I see a dark spot

A silhouette of a lover.

It is not me.

It is where I should be.


My love,

I saw your withdrawal.

I witnessed your despair.

And pretended not to see.


I listened to your knockings

On someone elses door at last.

I pretended not to hear.


Be a part of the whole, and you’ll be part of me.


Don’t ask me to share only myself

For I can’t.

Ask me to share everything.

And I will.


Be a part of the whole, and you’ll be part of me.


I give you my sword and shield, for these are my arms.

I give you my battlefields, for these are my guts.

I give you my brotherhood, for it is my heart.

I give you my round table, for it is my mind.

I give you my crown, for it is my destiny.

I give you my country, for it is my soul.


Be a part of the whole, and you’ll be part of me.

Het slotlied 'a new song' is uitgegeven bij Donemus.


21. A new song.


Be a part of the whole

Be a song without words

Be the music of the unheard

Be the one and be all



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